Lazy river
Stream of runners
Meet at the bridge
Lazy river
Stream of runners
Meet at the bridge
Hot and sweaty breeze
Butterflies and finches dance
With weightless ease
Foaming white clouds
Crash, splashing across the sky
Breeze cooling the skin
Over swollen streams
Through passing traffic’s splashes
Puddle jumper runs
Layered grays on blue
Moment’s swell of orange and red
Quiet sunrise rain
Blanket of fog
Finches dip through the cool air
Tranquil morning
The ancient fern grows
Bright lily blazes mark the trail
Dirt and breath connect
Pacing anxiously
Feigning pain and distress
Killdeer works her plan
Runner’s rythym sewn
Beneath the green canopy
Under birds’ chorus
Invisible hand
Swirls and scatters, drifts and draws
Mandalas in snow