Under threat of cloud
Gathers a morning crowd
To run for honey
Under threat of cloud
Gathers a morning crowd
To run for honey
Morning, oh glory
Clouds flow on the horizon
Finches chattering
Dark, forboding sky
Flock of geese slice across it
Poplars shush the wind
Deer sprints to cover
Owl swoops low without a sound
Last flights of night
The constant river
Rain in enveloping sheets
Water on water
Runner, fast and free
Cherries that are cool and sweet
If you like to spie
Make the morning rounds
The sky stretches wide and blue
Rehearsing the lines
Puddles on the track
The storms of night are past
Fresh wings on the wind
Cricket choir sings
Round glowing moon lingers
As the sun rises
Tiny butterflies
Fluttering above each blade
Grass is drenched with dew