Run Haiku


Spring birds
Trying to sing
Winter songs

Run Haiku


Flock of robins
Chatting about
The weather


The Old Climbing Tree

I grew up with access to a great climbing tree in the backyard. It was chopped down last summer.

What’s really interesting is how much also changed in this area in the 30 years since I first moved to the neighbourhood. In the (my) beginning, the yard on the south side had remnants of a farm lot, concrete barn foundations, two crab apple trees, which the neighbour let us pick to made juice (my mouth still puckers at the memory of the tart little apples). Also gone, a row of towering cottonwoods, which would have been pictured above, where now a glorious patch of ordinary grass tries to grow, a peninsula between asphalt seas.

To the north, where our family’s huge garden, backing an aging shop (my dad’s car reconditioning shop) and a small rental house have been removed, now called home to a row of simple townhomes (thus the other parking lot).

Speaking to those with memories older than mine, they speak of the days when the area was all farmland. Even the neighbourhood where my childhood house was built was once a farmer’s field.

Call it progress, or simply change, even the largest and most dear of trees won’t stand in the way of it.

Here’s a little zine about the tree’s good old days, and mine.


When Your Boots Get Soaked

A common theme this year, this time of year in particular, is crashing through ice and the soaking of feet.

Here’s a fun little collection of haiku, let’s call them “booter haiku”, compiled into an 8-page zine.

With thanks to closetjudas for opening my eyes to a whole world of description words used in other parts of the country to describe what I’ve always known as a “booter”.


Talking about the weather

I can’t put into words
The lightness in my gut
The rising sun within
The winds delivering the hopeful
Spring scent to my nose
When the most ordinary of interaction,
We, in passing, talk
About the weather



Have you seen the man
Who owns this land
Without title – both kinds –
The unentitled
Stooping to pick up trash
Cups and pizza boxes
From the park’s late night

He treks through the snow
Carrying in his parka pocket
A bag of seeds
Refilling bird feeders
As he goes

This land
Held by the common
Cared for by its own

Those who take care
Give the most

Run Haiku


Man in a parka
Filling up
The bird feeder

Run Haiku


Spring songs
Sung over
Fresh snow

Run Haiku


Birds, beasts, trees
Flakes of snow
Stirring in the wind

Run Haiku


Blue sky glow
Through the window
Before the alarm