Beyond the streetlights
A dark, shadowed path, step in
To a moonlit world
Beyond the streetlights
A dark, shadowed path, step in
To a moonlit world
Sun does not hurry
To paint each tree, from top down
Soft shades of golden
Winged chickadee’s flight
Draws a playful garland’s path
Tree to tree to tree
Long windrow shadow
Dried grasses above the snow
Rustling with each breath
Wind bites from the west
But she has a friendly side
Run east to find it
The *dead* of winter?
A thousand snowy footprints
Suggest otherwise
Snow winks and sparkles
Reflecting the moon above
Full and generous
One set of footprints
Imprinted on the fresh white snow
Single sign of life
Every blade of grass
Pulls up white fluffy covers
For the winter’s night
Bare trees standing tall
Guarding the silent forest
Hands raised to the sky