A few weeks ago a few friends and I decided to run from Hadashville to Marchand, MB via trails. In addition to my haiku of the day, I made a little 8-page zine to document the adventure.

This route had always been a curiosity to me. But for all the poking around on Google Maps, there’s nothing like actually dropping “into the map”, and experiencing trails on your own feet.

I often approach adventures on a backdrop of thoughts from books I’m reading or conversations I’ve had recently. I had just finished reading Frédéric Gros’ A Philosophy of Walking prior to this run, which offered a great perspective on moving slowly across a landscape on foot.

Thanks to Greg, Justin, and Gord for the adventure. You’re not crazy if your “crazy” is shared with friends, right?
Here are a few photos from the adventure.
A sign we were on the right track Team Arete The route from Strava