Bright morning
The track with friends
Bright morning
The track with friends
In motion, mind
At rest
Every tree
Suddenly regains its voice
Bursting to life
Running the ridge
On the trail less traveled
Hidden treasures
Through the fog
A new morning
Sky before the rain
Marsh marigold poised to bloom
Pausing for effect
Inspired by Austin Kleon’s little zines made from a single piece of paper, I tried my hand. These are a lot of fun.
“For every runner who tours the world running marathons, there are thousands who run to hear leaves and listen to rain and look to the day when it all is suddenly as easy as a bird in flight.”
~ George A. Sheehan
My lungs
Expand to fill
The bright blue sky
The winter layers
Have yet to be put away
Crisp morning in May
Where crocuses